Our Story

“Sonny, you can always make something, even from nothing.” -Dad

That’s what I wrote inside the chest I built my son for his first Christmas. He's still too young to know his toy chest even exists, but that’s not the point. The point is for him to one day give this chest to one of his own children, or someone dear to him. That’s why Dad’s Cabana exists. We make pine furniture, by hand, that will last for decades.

Next, I knew I wanted to build something for my wife. She had been looking at benches online to put at the end of our bed. So back to the shed I went, and that’s how Alison’s Bench came to life (that's her helping out with our DIY photoshoot). To be honest, we never really sit on it (it's usually just piled with laundry), but I promise you it’s solid. 

And that’s how it went, we needed something for the house, I would go to the shed and build it. For bath time we were fed up of sitting on the floor, so I made a little milking stool. With the arrival of our daughter, Simona, I figured I would make a new stool (one for each bathroom!) Hence the names of our 2 stools, Sonny's and Simona's!

So here we are, officially offering to the world these few items which I so carefully and lovingly built my family. We’ve enjoyed using them and we hope you will too. 

-Dave, Alison, Sonny & Simona.